Creating Quad Maps in Displayr
In this post I describe how to quickly create a quad map in Displayr. The example uses a Shapley Regression to work out the relative importance, but the basic process described in this post can be used with any type of data.
What is a quad map?
A quad map is market research jargon for a scatterplot which shows a series of attributes in terms of their importance to the market and the performance of one or more brands on these attributes. The example below is for AT&T in the US Cell Phone market. The horizontal axis shows the performance of AT&T, based on ratings out of 5 by its customers. The vertical axis shows the importance of these attributes, computed using driver analysis (Shapley Regression). The term "quad" comes from the two-by-two matrix placed over the scatterplot, which explains the implication of of quad map.
How to create a quad map in Displayr
Step 1: Create a table showing performance
The first step is to create a table that shows the performance by attribute, such as the table shown below.
Step 2: Create a table showing importance
The next step is to create a table showing the importance of the drivers. This table can either be a traditional table, or, the results of a regression or driver analysis. The example below is from a Shapley Regression.
Step 3: Create a scatterplot
- Insert > Visualization > Scatterplot
- In X coordinates select the performance table (or, select the importance table; either one is fine).
- In Y coordinates select the importance table.
- In Chart > APPEARANCE select Show Labels to On chart.
- Format it as you want. In the example above I've drawn boxes and text over the top of the visualization.